What is it?

Dermalux™ LED Phototherapy is a non-invasive treatment that harnesses the power of pure light to accelerate the skins natural rejuvenation and repair processes. It is clinically proven and effective for a wide range of skin concerns including anti-ageing, acne and sensitive skin conditions such as rosacea, eczema and psoriasis.

Dermalux™ is a pain free and relaxing treatment which is suitable for all skin types and conditions, without any downtime. Utilising long established Light Emitting Diode technology, the treatment is a significant development in the battle to keep our skin looking flawless, youthful and healthy!

The visible effects are immediate; Dermalux™ instantly awakens a tired and dull complexion. After just one treatment skin is incredibly hydrated, plump and radiant and redness and irritation is calmed. LED Phototherapy also promotes a feeling of wellbeing, helping to relieve the stresses and strains of everyday life!

A course of treatments offers dramatic and lasting improvement in the appearance and health of the skin. Dermalux™ can also be used in combination with other skin treatments to enhance results and improve healing time.


Treatment Cost

12 sessions £200
Single session (20 minutes) £20


Please see here for a video demonstration.